Executive Systemic Coaching & Constellations
Every experience in your life is in service of you and your true purpose.
It always was and it always will be. From a young age you have been creating your path, unconsciously planting signposts for your success. In fact, it began long before you were even born! When you learn how to explore and align your personal and professional life, you can create massive success and make the lasting impact you desire.
You are a remarkable story, if you simply understand how to see it.
Judy uses system dynamics along with a dimensional approach called constellations, or interactive mapping, to map out issues and connect the dots.
Clients can see and acknowledge old patterns, recognize their purpose and create a new path. Then, she flips limiting cycles into breakthrough performance–personal and professional. It’s truly life-changing.

How It Works
Systemic coaching and constellations uses family dynamics/constellations, we look at your family or organizational history to see what has created the current pattern in your life and why it has surfaced for you right now. Sometimes the pattern is a multigenerational pattern that has cycled all the way down to you affecting you deeply even though you have no conscious awareness of it.
Together, we explore the dynamics, patterns and loyalties that keep you stuck or limited. We look at what pattern wants to complete and identify the one trying to emerge.
We also take a look at your career history. The ups and downs, the successes and the stumbling blocks. Taking all the pieces of you, we explore what needs to be strengthened and what needs to change. We help you to design a path that maximizes your strengths and values and show you how to design your future consciously. Patterns can be created mindfully based on what came before and what’s trying to emerge. Everything that you dare to do in your life. expands your world–for generations to come.
Family Dynamics
Family systems contain repeating patterns and hidden loyalties that often originated years ago. The achoes of their decisions, language, feelings, and actions echo through the generations repeating through your thoughts, feelings, and actions as though they were your own, until you choose something different.
Learn to identify these hidden patterns in your family system. How they form, why they’re limiting you, what purpose they currently serve, and how they need to evolve through you!
Know Where & How to Belong
Who you are in the world begins with how you are or were at home. When you know exactly where and how you belong in your family system and can fully inhabit your place, you also know how to take your place in the world. When you can take your full place, everything becomes possible.
Judy's Upcoming Events
From our DNA series to Facilitator Workshops and Train the Trainer, you can browse all our events.