Emotional DNA Registration 2021


March 26-28, 2021 | ONLINE

This 3-day workshop provides more in-depth training and experience for exploring Emotional DNA

Just as your physical DNA is inherited, your emotional genetics also get passed down from generation to generation. Patterns of success, failure, love and money can be linked back to your ancestral family system. Which means, if a limiting pattern lives in your family history, it can also show up in your personal and business life. 

Location to be determined between Houston or Dallas in Texas

Event Price: $875.00

Registration closes March 5

Details: 8:45 AM – 5:30 PM Friday and Saturday  and 8:45 AM – 4:00 PM Sunday

Location: Texas




• Gain insights into what has you stuck and create the ability to identify and shift the hidden sentences, thoughts and feelings that run your life

• Learn about unconscious bonds that exist in your family systems, how they can keep you stuck and how to free yourself

• Learn about the lies we tell ourselves and how those lies run our lives



• Turn around the false stories we tell ourselves and the limiting behaviors that come from them

• Become aware of the meaning you make of key events in your life. How that shapes your success and failure

• Understand the effects of decisions you have made about events and how they shape your life.


• Reframe stumbling blocks into powerful strengths, unleashing your potential and creating the life you want

• See opportunities for your biggest growth in the overwhelming moments in your life by finding the diamond in the coal.

• Know that you can have the life you want and learn how to create it