How to Manifest Your Dreams Into Reality - Taking Your Emotional DNA to the Next Level 

The Transformative Power of the Goal Setting Mind

I want you to write down your deepest desires – the dream you most want to see happen in your life. The one that maybe people think is crazy, but ignites your positive energy every time you think about it. Whether it’s your dream career or something else entirely, it may be small or humongous, but that doesn’t matter. It is yours and it really gets you pumped up toward your life of your dreams.

Now, let’s examine the anatomy of that dream through the power of visualization. What do you tell yourself about it? Do your positive thoughts tell you that you can do it? Do you spend your time planning how to make it come true? Or do you sit around thinking how it’s a nice idea, but your limiting beliefs are holding you back? Or maybe you have thoughts like, ‘I don’t have enough money or time to make it happen.’ Or maybe there’s a voice in your head saying things like, ‘Dreaming is for fools.’

Now that you have identified the voices in your subconscious mind, ask yourself where those thoughts came from. Who taught you that dreaming gets you where you want to go? Who taught you dreaming isn’t a smart idea? Do you notice the strong, positive outcomes supporting you in life? And if you’ve inherited not-so-positive family patterns and emotional DNA, are you aware of the strongly discouraging patterns? And if you are aware, did you know that the dreamer of dreams and the doer of dreams are separated by only one thing? And that one thing is taking inspired action?

I promise that if you start dreaming and doing—even taking small steps in the direction of your dream—you are going to start being the hero in your life instead of the onlooker. Don’t you know, the people who achieve their full potential and accomplish way more than the average person, started out as an average person just like you. The only difference is they went past emotional DNA patterns and invested in themselves. So, what does that look like?

Dreams of Adventure

I recently spoke to an elderly couple whose positive mindset keeps them traveling. It makes them feel alive and rejuvenated when they’re seeing new places and people. But they aren’t rich and travel is expensive. Every year they depend on building up a certain number of mileage points with a particular airline to qualify for companion tickets so they can fly two for the price of one. Near the end of the year, they were some points short of being able to qualify for a roundtrip companion ticket to China, which is where their greatest desires were leading them next. But they didn’t let this stop them.

They decided to create a couple domestic mini-adventure trips to visit family and friends—people they could stay with at low cost—to secure those points. Through hard work and determination, they not only secured the travel points needed for the flight to China, they got to see loved ones in the process. And their positive attitude helped them score enough points to travel two-for-one the whole year!

Now, many people would have approached this situation with negative thoughts, thinking it was too much effort to figure out how to get what they wanted—a common killer of adventures. However, this couple maintained such clear intentions and focused on their real life oriental adventure that they did what was required to secure what they wanted. When they got the notification from the airlines, not only were they a little awed at their own determination and accomplishment, so were their friends. (Did you know that studies show that awe is a health-inducing emotion? It’s true! The more we create positive experiences, the more we open our hearts and the healthier we become.)

This is highest level human functioning in action. By dreaming and then doing, not only are we creating a healthy mental health foundation, we’re activating the power of our thoughts to beam the light of possibility outwards to others, opening the door to change and growth for them as well. Everybody wins!

Making a Dream a Reality

Every single thing that you see in the world started with an idea that became a reality because someone used the power of manifestation to take it all the way. There is a very exciting world waiting for you to wake up and discover the possibilities. So, here we go with the necessary steps:

  1.  Identify and choose your dream or goal. In other words, it isn’t enough to simply identify it, you have to actively choose it with clear vision. You have to say “Yes!” to it.

  2.  Remember, it has to be big enough to make you stretch. Dreams are about expanding your capabilities and experiences, not maintaining them.

  3.  Trash your negative emotions. Yes, I’ve heard them all: Your parents are narcissistic. The people around you are mean. Your boss will never let you off work. You don’t have the money. You don’t know what you want. What if your dream doesn’t come true? Etcetera. Write all the excuses down and then throw them in the garbage, saying “Bye bye! Thanks for showing up. But I’m not listening to you anymore!”

  4.  Write down your dream and put it somewhere that only you can see it as part of your manifestation journey. (If you start to share your dream before you’re well on your way to making it happen, you may find that you lose interest thanks to the negative input of others.)

  5.  Commit to your dream or goal. This is something you don’t give up on. (Yes, I know there are times where one should give up, but mostly, you should not.) Some dreams may take longer than others, and that’s okay. Just be aware that the more elevated emotions you put into your dream—emotions like excitement, enthusiasm, and love—the more you are going to be willing to focus on the ideas and manifestation techniques that will get you there.

  6.  Don’t judge the size of the steps you take. Some steps will be big, and some will be small. As the Disney character Anna says in the film Frozen II: “I just have to do the next good thing.”

  7.  Be positively obsessed with your dream. In other words, love it with all your head, heart, and gut.

  8.  Feed it constantly by thinking about it. Fire up your imagination and see your future self doing what you dream of doing, smiling about it. This is partly how you fund it.

  9.  Put money aside. When a bonus comes in, dedicate at least half to your dream. (This is the other way you fund it!)

  10.  Don’t forget you are creating a different reality—something larger than your current reality.

  11.  Acknowledge your success at every step. All too often we brush our successes aside and rush to the next step. We fail to acknowledge the hero that got us to that first step along the right path, namely ourselves.

  12.  Harvest the lessons and the strengths you’ve gained. In other words, when you fulfill a dream, take time to notice and absorb how that feels. Write down what you’ve learned. Acknowledge the new you. Then use that to fuel the next dream.

Pro Tips:

  1.  If you can be of service to others, you will often find they reciprocate with good things that help you get closer to your dream.

  2. Sometimes smaller steps will unexpectedly lead to larger results and visa-versa.

  3. Once you have achieved your first dream, be very aware of what you said, felt, and did that was helpful in achieving your dream. This is a higher version of you and your emotional DNA. With positive self-talk and practice, not only will you achieve your dreams, but you will elevate yourself as a real-life hero in your own dream life.

  4. DO NOT stop creating dreams to achieve. You were born to grow, not to slow.

With each dream, as odd as it seems, know this: You are waking up. Through the manifestation process, you are activating your frontal cortex, opening your heart, and activating your inner compass, which is your gut. You are teaching yourself to live in harmony on this planet as a much higher being. The power of positive thinking has elevated your emotional DNA—which is something incredible to pass on as a legacy!

And finally, I cannot tell you enough how capable you are. I literally cannot. But you have to begin telling yourself that through positive beliefs and then concretize the reality by following your action plan, creating the steps that will take you to your wildest dreams and beyond. The world needs doers right now. If not now, then when?

It doesn’t matter if you’re one of our bright young people or if you’re approaching old age, your contribution—whatever it might be—matters. Everything you do makes a difference one way (improving conditions) or another (not improving conditions). Which do you choose? Remember, you are far more influential than you suspect. The magic happens when you become aware of that, and you engage with and commit to making a difference consciously.

For almost two decades, Judy has been assisting high-performance individuals, Fortune 500 executives, organizational teams and legacy families to end limiting cycles and reframe apparent challenges into lasting breakthroughs and peak performance.

The Founder of System Dynamics for Individuals and Organizations, Judy is passionate about visionary leadership and inspiring positive, accelerated individual and global change. For more information click here