New Possibilities

Happy New Year everybody! Let’s consciously make it a great year!
We have 365 wonderful days available for creating new possibilities this year! That’s 365 daily chances to rewire your brain and life. By the end of this year, things could look a whole lot different – and it doesn’t have to be difficult!
As 2021 ended, I found myself walking as I so often do and looking for the gifts in what had been a challenging but growth producing year and discovered a lot! There was so much gratitude for a new treatment given to a family member with a serious condition. I had been surrounded by creative and generous geniuses who walked with me this year, helping me to move this work forward. My book was finally written with the help of an incredible editor/mentor, and it found its home with Sounds True thanks to an amazing literary agent and the wonderful creative person who linked us all.
Then I started wondering what more I wanted in 2022. One of my favorite questions to ask myself is, “What more is possible?”. That simple question opens my heart and takes me past excuses and limitations. It’s the seat of my deepest heartfelt desires and I don’t worry about the how. I simply feel and envision the want and the pull, and I allow that to build without censoring it.
You’ve all had this type of experience. You want a favorite dish – you can almost taste it – and you make it happen.
Often at the time I am envisioning what I want, all the unconscious loyalties and reasons I can’t have it decide to show up and present themselves proudly. It’s my job to pay attention and notice why they are showing up for me. You see they are not simply excuses; they are also clues to what needs to be seen and resolved for me to step forward. I must also have a strong enough want to overcome the pull of the unconscious loyalties. Only then can I move forward.
For those of you who have studied some of the greatest films or accomplishments in the world, you will notice that everything did not go smoothly. In fact, many of them were utter disasters up until they were roaring successes. The trick was that the people involved had a strong enough sense of the outcome to overcome the pull of the establishment that said, “You can’t.”
This year take the time to invest and believe in your own dream. Thank your ancestors and all your unconscious loyalties, then look ahead to the future and keep walking. Use the doubts as your guides, watch your thoughts, feelings and actions and keep moving in the direction of your dream until you hold it in your hands. One new thought one new feeling and one new action at a time.
I can’t wait to hear what this year brings you all!