Self Help Speaker - Invite Judy to Empower an Audience at Your Next Event

family & systemic constellations
Judy Wilkins Smith Systemic Work & Constellations

Inspiring Self Help Speaker & Keynote Motivational Speaker, Judy Wilkins-Smith's keynotes, breakouts and talks are motivating, relatable, and completely customizable. Explore your emotional DNA and organizational DNA. Resolve long-standing issues. Learn why agreeing to be big is the humblest step you’ll ever take. Get in touch to schedule a speaking engagement.

Top Keynote & Breakout Themes Include:

Leadership and your Organizational and Emotional Inheritance

You don’t just inherit your physical DNA, you also inherit your organizational and emotional DNA. Who you are at home directly affects your leadership. In essence you can’t park your family at the door. Organizations also contain their own organizational DNA. Understand who or what you are inheriting in your organization or team.

Hidden Dynamics Behind Success and Failure for Women in Business

Culturally, generationally, systemically, there are many hidden dynamics that limit women in business. Women are astounded by the unconscious loyalties they carry and surprised by their effects in business. Learn how to break the cycles of limitation and embrace success.

Why Agreeing to be Big is the Humblest Step You'll Ever Take

The day you agree to become big is the first day you fully take responsibility for your life and all that you will and can become. When you learn to focus on what you want or who you want to be, rather than staying small, things begin to change and the world benefits. Judy is an inspiring keynote & motivational speaker.

Why Stuck is a Good Place to Be

Being stuck is a wonderful place to be. It means you have finally gotten too big for your normal day to day box you call life. When you begin to look at what no longer serves you, you can also start investigating what’s next for you. So being stuck is simply a nice loud clue to the fact that it’s time to move! It’s a signal that you are ready to become and have more. There is no more space in your small box for what’s trying to emerge. 

Changing the World Begins with Agreeing You Can. Let's Get Started.

- Judy Wilkins-Smith - Self Help Speaker

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