Dig Deeper into Systemic Work & Constellation Work


Read Judy’s blog to explore the powerful transformational tool of systemic and constellation work. Learn how to transform your inherited emotional DNA and access the tools to start creating the vision of the greatest future for yourself. 

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Capability DNA

Capability DNA In my book, Decoding Your Emotional Blueprint, I talk about how you inherit patterns of thoughts, feelings, and actions.  I call this your

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Owning Your Independence

Owning Your Independence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qF-aDNRikk&feature=youtu.be In America we are about to celebrate Independence Day, and there is something extremely exciting about that.  It took restlessness and

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Gifts From Our Fathers

Gifts From Our Fathers Times are changing, but the essence of the male energy remains crucial to the creation and sustenance of life. If mothers

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