Dig Deeper into Systemic Work & Constellation Work


Read Judy’s blog to explore the powerful transformational tool of systemic and constellation work. Learn how to transform your inherited emotional DNA and access the tools to start creating the vision of the greatest future for yourself. 

The Gifts of the Mother

The Gifts of the Mother https://youtu.be/Z_zFRYItqDA Some of us get on well with our mothers, some don’t.  Some of us don’t even know our mothers.

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Patterns in the Workplace

Patterns in the Workplace Systems are elegant and persistent. The patterns that we don’t resolve in one system—your family system for example—can quite quickly pop

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Spring Forward

Spring Forward  One of the biggest systems we’re all connected to is Nature. When March arrives and spring is just around the corner, I notice

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New Possibilities

New Possibilities Happy New Year everybody! Let’s consciously make it a great year! We have 365 wonderful days available for creating new possibilities this year!

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