Vault from Fear to Freedom: Rewiring Your Emotional DNA
Freedom isn’t blind luck. It’s a commitment and an adventure taken. Come find YOURS!
Disney World, Orlando Florida
November 1-4, 2024
Are you ready to consciously move from fear to FREEDOM in your life?
This 4-Day Themed Event is for YOU!
*Airfare & accommodations not included.
We all know that determination and ambition are drivers of success, and we tend to think that success brings us freedom. But freedom comes from moving through fear to be able achieve our goals and fulfill our dreams. Being able to express our unique gifts is what drives truly massive success.
Freedom brings enthusiasm, energy, and zest to our lives and imaginations. It unlocks the creative part of our brain, the part that loves to build purpose and fulfill dreams, giving us our appetite for life, unleashing our full potential.
Unfortunately, all too often family fear patterns formed by the decisions of our ancestors long before we were born, get passed down to us—fear patterns that show up as emotions, thoughts, triggers and actions (or inaction)—blocking our freedom to authentically express ourselves. They shut down the creative brain and dictate the amount of success we can experience, sometimes even ensuring we never leave the starting gate.
This event is about discovering, acknowledging, and rewiring those limiting fear patterns and setting yourself free, unleashing your full creative potential!
“Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.” Arthur Ashe
There are HUGE benefits to undertaking the journey to freedom by rewiring your Emotional DNA. If you’re ready to move beyond excuses and onto a path that will take you to your success, join us at the Beach and Yacht Club—the luxury section of Disney World created by Walt Disney. (He activated his Freedom DNA creating a whole world just to remind us that anything is possible!)
In this special event you will learn how to:
- Identify your fears and limiting patterns
- Find your courage and learn to stretch beyond old limits
- Stop dodging bullets and start looking for clues and steps that lead to your goals
- Step into the freedom of being YOU
- Discover and use higher emotions to soar!
Success isn’t the result of a blinding flash of insight and a dream instantly realized.
It’s the result of unshackling yourself from old patterns and lower emotions, dreaming BIG and flying free!
What’s included:
- Four full days of experiential learning
- Breakout sessions to deepen your understanding
- Written manual to guide your learning after you leave
- Daily breakfast
- Access to the International Food and Wine Festival
- Daily deluxe snacks
- Daily surprises to help you enjoy the magic of Disney
- Transportation to and from the parks to the hotel
Please note: Due to conference requirements, everyone who attends this event must stay onsite at the Beach Club. Room sharing is allowed.
Park tickets are at your own discretion and should be bought before you arrive at Disney. Please note that you are now again able to park hop freely. (And that’s a big deal)
Class details
- Classes will be held at the Saybrook Room at the Yacht Club, walking distance from hotel
- Start time 8:30 am breakfast
- 9 am class – 4 pm
- Lunch breaks
- Park attendance after class ends.
Special Pricing
- Early Bird Price if registered by April 30th: $1395 – Use Code: DisneyApril30
- Quasi-early Bird Price if registered by June 30th: $1595 – Use Code: DisneyJune30
- Discounted Price if registered by July 30th: $1695 – Use Code: DisneyJuly30
- Final Deadline to register is October 15th: $1795
- Due to Disney’s conference policies, these fees are nonrefundable.
$100 Referral Thank-You
Invite your friends, family, and colleagues and you receive a $100/person referral reimbursement for each person who attends the same workshop.
Urgent Call to Action: Accommodations are limited so please book as soon as possible to hold your spot.