Changing Family Patterns: Being a change agent. If not you, then who?

changing family patterns

Changing Family Patterns: Being a change agent. If not you, then who?

In recent years, the definition of family has undergone some of the most significant changes in history. As we navigate this post-modern world, family life continues to evolve, presenting both challenges and opportunities for transformation. If you’re facing inherited patterns that limit your potential, you might wonder: who will be the catalyst for change in your family structure changes?

Family systems create patterns of thoughts, feelings, and actions. In other words, emotional DNA. While some inherit patterns that lead to financial security and success, others struggle with cycles that have caused previous generations to suffer and fail. 

If you’re in the latter situation and feel stuck, thinking “Why me?” wondering who might rescue you, the simple (but often not easily accepted) answer is you. It is you who are actually there to get your family members unstuck from these patterns.

I know that sounds a little overwhelming, but a major change has to start somewhere. And if you’re facing a situation like this—whether the family pattern you’re wrestling with is money issues or intimate relationships or addiction issues or health issues, whatever—if you’re dreaming of a different life beyond these social pressures, then it’s you who are up to bat.

If not you, then who? Who will be the change agent? Are you going to go for it? Or leave it to your children to inherit and deal with an unhappy marriage or other challenges? And why shouldn’t you be the one to reap the rewards?

Making a difference

This is not about sacrifice and burden. Moving in the direction of your dreams and desires is what I’m talking about here – these recent changes that hold such high value for your future. And surely that’s enticing? The bonus is, once you start growing, the evolution of your entire family system is automatic. Any expansion on your part changes your emotional DNA—the thoughts, feelings, emotions and impulses that guide and sustain you, as well as the emotional DNA of those who came before you and those who will come after you in our modern society. In other words, when you change, others in your system change.

Here’s an example. I had a client who was alienated from her twin sister who was a highly successful CEO- a testament to the evolving role of women and educational attainment in our time. Both women today had achieved higher income levels, yet they had been fiercely competitive and pitted against each other by their parents all their lives. Even though their parents were long since deceased, the competition and animosity between them continued to keep them apart. But when my client finally saw the pattern and realized it was neither her fault nor her sister’s, before she could contact her sister to try to start building a new relationship, her sister reached out to her.

“It was the strangest thing,” she said. “I’d just had that breakthrough with you and determined to reach out to Gail over the following weekend. And 24 hours later she made one of those life-changing phone calls, crying, saying she had suddenly realized how stupid and awful our arguments were and not either one of our faults. She said she loved me and wanted to be closer. It was just what I’d been going to say to her!”

Quantum realities

This sounds really incredible and inexplicable until we begin to understand what modern science has been telling us about the nature of our world and how connected everything and everyone is. Over a time period spanning the twentieth century, Albert Einstein came along and taught that matter is actually energy. (E = mc2) Then quantum physicists, taking a closer look at our universe, studying “particles” that are really non-physical energy packets, discovered something called quantum entanglement. For example, experiments have proven that when two electrons come in contact with each other, their spin states become linked. In other words, for the rest of time, no matter how far apart these two electrons travel (even lightyears apart!), the actions of one electron instantaneously affect the other.

Labeled “spooky action at a distance,” by Einstein, entanglement is one explanation for how social groups change—and the people in them—when one member of the system makes a shift. We’ve seen a dramatic increase in understanding how social attitudes shift through this same principle. It may be subtle and not readily noticeable on the outside, but it does happen. Another possibility is the scientific theory that the universe is actually a gigantic hologram. 

One of the strangest characteristics of a hologram is that one pixel taken from a holographic image contains the entire image. Which is scientific evidence that the ancient mystical teaching that “the many is contained in the One” is true. Which means, it’s totally possible that in any given system, including a family system, all the information held by one member of the system is automatically available to other family members. And when one person changes, so does everything and everybody else in the system hologram.

Which is why it’s really sad that fewer people step up, sitting around, waiting for someone else in the family to be the change agent and show the way. If we don’t step up, not only do we miss out on a great adventure; not only do we miss out on living the life we’ve always dreamed of, unhindered by old social attitudes and limiting patterns. We miss out on helping others.

Sensing the fire within

Bottomline, we were not put on this Earth to suffer and play small. We were put here to seize the moment and make a difference–whether that’s advancing the position of women or pursuing romantic love. And it all begins with sensing the fire within that is our unique self and part of our unique nervous system. So, what do I mean by that? 

Think about a time when you really wanted to do something, like young adults seeking new homes and independence. When you were on the verge of taking a big, important step. You could feel the thrill and excitement couldn’t you? You could imagine the outcome and it filled your whole body with joy and anticipation. You might have had tears or goosebumps—always great indicators that you’re on the right track for you. But then what happened? 

Did old family patterns kick in? Did inner voices of doubt suddenly get very loud? Did they squash the creativity right out of you? To be the change agent you must move beyond all the excuses and really good reasons to stay where you are. It begins with sensing and following the fire within. So, how do you do that?

Step 1

If you don’t already know what your passion is, there are many ways to stir up inspiration – whether it’s pursuing a bachelor’s degree or challenging gender roles. Watch an inspiring movie, listen to a motivational speaker, dance to a stirring song. Find anything that makes you go, “Wow!” and groove with it. Imagine it’s you up on that stage, singing that song. Or you being the hero in that movie, saving the day. Imagination and inspiration are closer than you know. Both stimulate the higher emotions that open the door for change.

Step 2

Zero in on what gets you excited. It may be an injustice that you want to right. A difference you want to make. A joy you want to experience. An accomplishment you want to achieve. You will know it because it will inspire and excite you like nothing else. And then, instead of wishing, make it so. How?

Step 3

There’s a line from the recent Disney film Frozen 2 that’s applicable here, and I’m going to paraphrase it. The main character, Anna, finds herself all alone, abandoned and very frightened. Like many young women seeking their path, she reminds herself of something that her father taught her. And that is: All you need to do is the next right thing. That simple reminder puts her back in touch with who she is and what is possible and keeps her moving forward. She finds the fire within and moves in that direction.

So, once you’ve found your fire and passion, whether it’s pursuing a college education or another dream, the most important thing is to simply do the next right thing that will bring you closer to that goal. And it doesn’t matter how big or small that step is. You may not have the clearest goal right now, but that’s okay. Because all you really need to know is what is the next right thing that needs to happen to take you closer to your goal.

 Step 4

Once you find your fire and passion, you’ll have a greater likelihood of success if you commit to it with no excuses, but rather a sense of purpose, excitement, determination, and a clarity that says whatever it is you’ve chosen, it will happen. And if you waver, ask yourself “If not me, who? If not now, when?”

No more waiting

We are all yearning for a better world. If you turn around and look in the mirror, you will see the person standing in the wings, ready to help make this happen. And, if you think this couldn’t possibly be you, please look around. Notice everything around you. All the things you use in your home. 

Evey single one of those things began as a thought in somebody’s mind. They didn’t just wait for someone else to invent what they were thinking of, they did it themselves. This is how individual, family systems, community systems, and global systems grow. 

It doesn’t matter if you’re one of our bright young people or if you’re approaching old age, your contribution—whatever it might be—matters. Everything you do makes a difference one way (improving conditions) or another (not improving conditions). Which do you choose? Remember, you are far more influential than you suspect. The magic happens when you become aware of that, and you engage with and commit to making a difference consciously.

For almost two decades, Judy has been assisting high-performance individuals, Fortune 500 executives, organizational teams and legacy families to end limiting cycles and reframe apparent challenges into lasting breakthroughs and peak performance.

The Founder of System Dynamics for Individuals and Organizations, Judy is passionate about visionary leadership and inspiring positive, accelerated individual and global change. For more information click here

Change Can Be Scary – With Great Change Comes Great Opportunity

Change Can Be Scary - With Great Change Comes Great Opportunity

Change can be scary for most of us. Stepping outside your comfort zone, especially during major life changes, can be downright terrifying. It tends to unlock heightened emotions as we rush to protect what we feel is familiar and right. In other words, we protect the ways in which we are accustomed to belonging. At the other end of the spectrum, we also know, or at least suspect, that being the kind of person who can embrace change provides us with great opportunities to shift, grow, and prosper. But, first, we must get out of the way of our deeply embedded, and not always helpful, beliefs and mindsets. In other words, what we perceive as right or wrong, good or bad, possible or not possible.

Change Perspective

If we stay stuck in those mindsets there is little forward momentum. But if we are willing to look at our current situation from a different angle, we find new ways to flourish in a changing world. For example, during the pandemic, when everybody was locked down, a lot of people lost their new job and a lot of opportunities went away. But for some people, even small change turned out to be a good thing. I remember hearing about one woman who didn’t have a job, whose husband got laid off. Despite her intense fear of change, she started baking because it was one of the things that she did whenever she was stressed. That morning, she baked a dozen cupcakes and frosted them beautifully. And just as she finished, one of her friends stopped by and said, “Oh, my goodness, I forgot. I need a dozen cakes, or at least cupcakes, for a bake sale. Would you mind selling me those?”

And at that moment the lightbulb switched on. These unexpected turns of fate led to a new beginning. The woman sold that first batch and made more cupcakes and sold those. She baked and baked until she had to get a commercial kitchen to handle all the orders. Finally, she decided, “What the heck,” and opened a cupcake shop. Post-pandemic, she and her husband were thriving.

Powerful Adaptation

We call this agility—a well sought-after quality a lot of companies look for in their employees. Basically, those who can adapt and change can grow. And in case you hadn’t noticed, change is the name of the game at the moment. Global shifts are happening, including wars, political divides, and environmental changes—giant pattern makers are affecting every single one of us. How you react to what is happening will decide your immediate future, affect the futures of others around you, and affect the lives of your descendants.  

For example, if we look at political situation, you may choose to dig in your heels, distance yourself from those who think differently, blame, shame, and name whatever doesn’t fit with your world view. And this may well be a viewpoint that didn’t even originate with you, but rather with some family member in your ancestral lineup. And you may pass this restrictive view on to your children. The choice lies in you. Are you going to stay running on rinse and repeat and saddle your kids with this limitation? Or will you be the difference you are looking for? 

Instead of distancing yourself from others you don’t agree with, can you find ways to connect? Can you bring people together instead of being part of the dynamic that pushes people apart? It’s very easy to be reactive. But it pays much higher dividends when we are creative! Every good businessperson understands one thing very well: Life and business are all about relationships. Relationships are far more valuable than opinions. They understand the importance of finding commonalities that will build a good stakeholder network, no matter what is happening. They literally cannot afford to find themselves stuck in one camp or another. Instead, they learn how pivot as the climate demands. 

Change Tips

When differences and challenges land in your lap, take a breath, stand back and look at your current situation around you. In times of change, assess the situation as objectively as possible. The only way forward is to ask yourself: Can you see a way forward? Are things really as bad as you first imagine? Back in the 1960s, the famous pop-group, The Beatles, were considered degenerate and morally corrupt until enough people enjoyed their music and they became legends. It’s helpful to ask ourselves what we are protecting and why. Is what we’re protecting still relevant now? Or is it asking to change?

  • Ask yourself “How does this matter to me? Is the situation triggering a family pattern?  Is this situation something I can do something creative with?” 

Historically, we tend to resist change and label it ‘bad.’ It can take decades or centuries depending on the force of resistance in response to a powerful agent of change. Sometimes change can even can feel wrong or evil. At these times, it’s really important to ask ourselves what about the change provokes such a strong reaction for us. 

Curiosity is a great antidote to dogma—it is how we grow the world. It is what allowed the flat Earth to become the round Earth. It is how we have electricity and technology. Progress happens when we get curious and start exploring instead of fighting, even in unfavorable circumstances.

  • Engage instead of argue. Try to find solutions that work for everyone.

  • Literally ask the other person, “How can I understand you? How do we approach our differences in a way that leaves us both in a good place? What is the opportunity here for both of us?”

There is always an opportunity if you are willing to look. Under new conditions, what might seem challenging at first can open new doors. Dogmatic points of view, when explored systemically and explored together, tend to be portals to possibility. When we unwind one pattern, we have the opportunity to create another, leading to what could be the most beautiful blessing.

Change, by its nature, is unsettling, and so is opportunity. For example, the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence in recent years have sparked widespread anxiety about job displacement and ethical dilemmas. Just like what happened during the Industrial Revolution, the AI revolution is triggering fears that this will bring about humanity’s downfall. Yet this technology also offers unprecedented opportunities for innovation, art and beauty, connectivity, and problem-solving—potentially creating a new future for all of us.

Once again, humanity will have to navigate how to enjoy great opportunity without destroying ourselves. Perhaps if we pause for a minute and think it through, this will pay us dividends. Rather than destruction we may be able to break this pattern and introduce balance, allowing ourselves to create rather than react. Bottomline, change is the lifeblood of the Universe. Without it we cannot grow.

Respecting Other People’s Opinions – America’s Path Forward

respecting other people's opinions

Respecting Other People's Opinions - America's Path Forward

In the wake of the 2024 election, US citizens find themselves navigating an all-too-familiar landscape of polarized different beliefs and ideologies, triggering upset, blame, resentment, and fear. Partisanship and deep-rooted divisions have only grown over recent years, and many Americans long for pathways to unity and progress.

Moving forward, America has an opportunity to redefine itself. But moving forward requires a new approach that doesn’t just try to mend divides at the surface level. It requires an approach that addresses the deep, often unseen dynamics driving our political and cultural rifts.

How do we get into the creative space of making a difference in a way that bodes well for all mankind? How can we keep an open mind and respect different people and their differing opinion in an effective way? How can we start looking for the common good and the common ground?

Life is going to be a whole lot easier for all of us when we all start doing this. But in the meantime, we’ve got to do the work of coming together. The following are some thoughts about how to do that.

I Win, You Lose

It happens every four years here in the United States: “Ha ha! I win! You lose!” It’s time to stop playing this game because as long as we have, “I win. You lose,” somebody is going to be happy and excited, somebody else is going to be afraid and angry. Multiply that by hundreds of millions of “somebodies” and we have the situation we have today with a woefully divided nation.

The solution, of course, is for 1) those who “win” to stop gloating, and 2) those who lose to cease playing victim, and 3) for both sides to come together and ask the question, “How do we all win?” What policies can be enacted to create more unity? What can we do to take care of each other?

Of course, to do this and start shaping our lives in a much more responsible way, we have to make some perceptual shifts. And one of the most important shifts we can make is to realize how deeply programmed we all are to want to belong. Belong to a family. Belong to a community. Belong to a group of people. Belong to a party. Belong to a common belief system, an ideal, a nation. It’s all the same thing.

Stop Taking Sides

If we want to belong to one of the greatest countries on earth, let’s also all be Americans. Democracy demands debate, not fights.

The trick is to stop narrowing our view about where we belong. At the most fundamental and yet universal level, we all belong to the same species called Homo sapiens, living on the same planet called Earth. In this system, everybody has a right to belong. 

This is one of the foundational principles of Systemic Work and Constellations. Every single person in the system called “humanity” belongs. And that includes the good, the bad, the indifferent, the educated, the uneducated, the rich, the poor, the up, down, and sideways. Everyone counts because everyone brings information into the human system, information that is needed for everyone in the system, and the system itself, to thrive and evolve.

Our humanity is our common ground. From there, if we each take a breath and we take a moment and we start with simple, easy things like kindness to others, thoughtfulness, and consideration, we’re actually going to find that the seismic earthquakes caused by taking sides against one another start to subside. Choosing to shape your life in a really good, human and humane way, you start the ball rolling on the positive changes we need to see happening in our country right now.

Consider Your Reactions

There’s a world of difference between being creative and being reactive. When we’re in creation mode, we’re excited and positive and affecting others in a positive way. We’re open to suggestions, collaboration, and other ideas, including others’ opinions. When we’re in reaction, yelling, “The sky is falling, the sky is falling,” we’re in fight or flight mode. And then we pick a side to fight against and out goes belonging.

The brain secretes adrenalin and noradrenalin. Non-essential body systems like digestion slow to a crawl. Heart rate increases, and before you know it, you’re sweating in full-on panic, unable to think clearly, unable to easily accept suggestions, and unable to collaborate. And the sky isn’t actually even falling! Being reactive doesn’t serve anyone in the long run.

But how are we going to move from being reactive to being creative instead? Well, here are some thoughts:

  • When you hear something or see something that’s not to your liking, breathe!
  • Take the time to take stock of the situation before you get all revved up.
  • Consider your words before they come out of your mouth. Is what you’re about to say really true? Is it coming from your heart? Or is it against something or someone?
  • Instead of letting your words come out from a boiling pit, consider how you want things to land.
  • Consider the other person’s opinions. How will your words affect them and shape their sense of belonging?
  • How do you want your life to look? How do you want to shape it? How do you want to belong to the human system? What is your contribution? If we want to change the world today, it starts with changing our attitudes toward each other right here, right now.

A final powerful thought here has to do with assumptions. Assumptions start wars. Don’t just assume positive intent—check your assumptions. Every single one of them. With clarity comes insight. With insight comes peace. With peace comes freedom.

People often tell me doing this is really hard work. Well, it’s just as hard to keep being upset, miserable, and angry as it is to start putting the work into a life that you really want. Seriously. Decide on the life you want to live, and every time something prompts you to fight and go against someone or something, ask yourself: “Does that get me closer to the life I want to live and the life I want for my children? Or further away?”

Make Positive, Life-Shaping Choices

If you decide and choose that you’re going to go for a positive, life-affirming existence, that’s amazing. You’re going to make a difference. You’re going to be kind. You’re going to be happy. And when you’re happy and it’s fun and you’re really excited, you find that life suddenly becomes a whole lot nicer. 

Some of your friends and family, with different backgrounds and professional experiences, are going to want to know what the heck you’re doing and maybe even join you. Before you know it, your life and the lives of others have changed for the better. Now you’re making that global difference.

Connection, Communication, and Respect

Are you communicating with yourself and others in a respectful way? In a way that lands and encourages? Or in a way that divides and tears down?

The first step is really important. If you are angry or unkind to yourself, chances are that will spill over into your interactions with others. I have executives who think that effective communication is, “Hey, stupid, get it together or you’re fired,” which generally doesn’t get a really good response. So, consider how you communicate with others. When somebody is confused or lost, ask, “Can I help you? Can I show you?”

When a new situation arises, instead of trying to control, try being invitational. Try inviting in new ideas and thoughtful conversations. And always consider your words by asking yourself, “How do I get this to land in a way that people can hear it and feel what I’m saying?”

How do we all go for the win? The answer—even in tense, contentious situations—is communication with respect. Meaning I understand that the other person or persons I’m talking with have a part in my world. They belong and have equal weight and importance as me. When we understand that, we’re able to talk to each other, and not only find common ground, but ideas and answers that are outside the realm of opposing views.

Without respect, nothing positive happens. You don’t grow, your family and community don’t grow, our nation doesn’t grow, and the world doesn’t grow.

And by respect I don’t mean having to be in agreement. Respect means I understand the other person has a different point of view and different perspectives. And I give that different point of view a place to land and be. And when I can give it a place, it means I’ve given a little and the other has done the same. We’ve both given a little, which makes both parties feel good, included, seen, and in some way honored and validated.

If we are looking to be a nation that can show the rest of the world a way to thrive, then no matter how tense the situation, it begins with respect. That’s what we’re looking for. That’s the fertile ground we need to stand on to be able to move forward into a better world. 

At the end of a tough year facing the uncertainty of the next four years, we all have the opportunity to make a difference—kindly, happily, and with understanding. The next greatest era in American history begins with you.

How to Break Generational Cycles Through Language

How to Break Generational Cycles Through Language

Sometimes it’s hard not to think that life is “doing it to us,” and that some people are lucky and others are not. As a generational cycle breaker, understanding the effects of generational trauma is the first place to start. When family members continually struggle with certain issues like lack of education, dysfunctional ways of relating, addiction, failure in careers, or an inability to create financial success, they’re often caught in vicious cycles that seem impossible to break.
What’s actually going on is more complex than a simple curse – it’s intergenerational trauma manifesting through family patterns that affect the nervous system in profound ways. These negative cycles often stem from childhood trauma that wasn’t properly addressed in previous generations, creating a lasting impact that reverberates through time.
Sometimes the repeating pattern in your family of origin is based upon an initial traumatic experiences that occurred in the family. It is then passed down to the rest of the family, complete with the accompanying emotional disturbances. Working with a trauma-informed therapist or attending support groups can be part of the process of understanding these generational patterns.
For example, I had a gentleman client come to me who fearfully reported he was sure he was going to lose a leg before he was 55 and become an amputee. This would seem to be a wildly unlikely possibility—a case of an irrational phobia showing up out of nowhere. But diving into his family history through family therapy, I learned that every oldest male in his family system for seven generations had lost their right leg one way or another.
It had started with a great-great-something-grandfather losing his leg while on a whaling ship in the Pacific Ocean. His son lost a leg in a logging accident somewhere up in the Pacific Northwest. Then his son lost his right leg after getting shot in a hunting accident and the wound turned gangrenous. Yet another ancestor lost a leg in World War I. The stories went on and on. Cursed, right? 
No! Truth is, once my client understood that he was dealing with an inheritance of Emotional DNA—in this case a hardened belief in the family “curse”—once he was able to obtain a broader view of his family’s system dynamics which led to insights and shifts that enabled him to change his thinking that losing a leg was inevitable, he shifted what had seemed like a curse. Once he grasped that the pattern showing up was not fated and didn’t belong to him unless he held onto it and made it so, he was able to change his thinking and rewire his brain and body. And he is still walking around on two legs to this day.

Self-Talk and Limiting Conversations

No matter what pattern you’ve inherited from your own parents, you can take that inheritance and work with it in a way that enhances your life and the lives of those around you. Through trauma-informed care, many family members are discovering new patterns and new things they never thought possible. In other words, everything boils down to the act and art of shaping your life the way you want it.
Life is a series of choices. And one of the most obvious ways we do or don’t shape our lives is how we choose our inner self-talk and our outer conversations. Except, of course, that our internal and external-talk often isn’t just ours either! Many times, that inner conversation about how stupid we are, how unattractive we are, or what a failure we are started a long time ago with an event that created those thoughts and language in an ancestor long gone—thoughts and language that still govern us today.
 Great-grandfather said, “Money is the root of all evil,” and to this day the whole family struggles with and fears money and doesn’t understand why. Or perhaps there was an early event in your life that started those kinds of thoughts rolling. It really doesn’t matter. The question is, “Do I want to continue to buy into my limiting thoughts and identities and pass them down to future generations? Or do I want to be the change agent in my family and learn the art of shaping my own life?”

Systemic Language

Words mold our reality on an individual, community, and also global level, creating war and peace, castes and creeds, hope and despair, joy and sorrow. As a generational cycle-breaker, you have the power to transform these inherited patterns. An entire system of thought and action can be dismantled in one short sentence. “The war is over.” Or “Your disease is gone.” Or “You have the right to vote.” One word, “Guilty,” can end a life. 
Examine how unhappy, unsuccessful people talk, and you hear excuses and words and sentences of doom over and over again. “I knew I couldn’t do it. Everything I touch turns to ___. There’s just no winning. It isn’t my fault. Etcetera.” Like my client, who believed he was cursed, we curse ourselves. Instead of lighting a fire of inspiration that sets us free, we constantly feed the flames that make ourselves feel all sorts of negative emotions. And sentences of doom aren’t just the typical self-derogatory examples like those just listed. Any systemic sentence that drags you down and keeps you stuck is a sentence of doom because it dooms you to more of the same. 
“Patience is a virtue” until it isn’t. “No pain, no gain” might get you through that business startup and those seemingly endless 18-hour days. But once the business is up and running and successful, if you keep running the same line, all you’re going to get is an apparently successful life accompanied by continued suffering. The good news is that words and sentences of doom can also serve as our liberators because they contain the seeds for identifying and stopping limiting patterns in their tracks once we see them and acknowledge them.
I had a highly successful female client who loved that “no pain no gain” quote from Jane Fonda the “workout queen” of the 1970s, and used it all the time. She came to me wondering why, despite all her money and accomplishments, she never seemed to be able to relax and enjoy life. As it turned out, there were other self-punishing patterns she’d picked up from her family. But it was the moment when she caught herself unconsciously using that phrase in defense of her work ethic that she “got it.”  
“No pain no gain” was like a torch shining a light on the foundation of her whole life. She used that key inner and outer phrase as a touchstone and way to examine her whole life and see where she was imprisoning herself and then set herself free.


Until we see and face a limiting systemic sentence straight on, it becomes a sentence of doom and a not-so-silent saboteur. Seeing it and acknowledging its existence is unbelievably powerful, because it is a declaration of what is. It identifies the truth of what’s going on and calls it by name, allowing investigation into how it has been created, how it is running your life, and how it can be disentangled and transformed. 
If you are serious about shaping your own life, take the time to sit down and examine your life. Write down where you’re stuck, sad, and/or hurting. Also identify what you would like to have and experience in your life that you don’t have. This is a process of discovering “what is.”
  • In light of these insights, examine your thoughts and how you speak

  • Are there systemic “sentences of doom” running in your brain? Ideas, words, fears you can identify that might be triggering and/or supporting your stuckness and problem?

Once you’ve identified your limiting language, it’s then time to discover “what’s possible.” In order to turn this pattern you’ve established around, you want to create language that is stronger than the limiting language you’ve been using. This is called developing the language of resolution, or creating sentences of resolution. For example, my Jane Fonda fan client above helped resolved her “No pain, no gain” addiction by adopting the sentence “No pain, no strain.”

  • Write down your words or “sentences of doom.”
  • What words or sentences come to mind as powerful antidotes?

​For example, if you have a firm belief “I’ll never get ahead,” or “The cards are stacked against me,” sentences of resolution for you might be something like: “I know how to make this happen! And if not, I can figure it out!” And “The cards are stacked in my favor.” 

  • Write down your sentences of resolution.
  • Put them where you can see them.
  • Practice saying them at every opportunity until they become your new language habit.

Welcome to the art of shaping your life through language!

How to Change Your Thinking Patterns and Create Happiness

how to change your thinking patterns

How to Change Your Thinking Patterns and Create Happiness

What will you be giving thanks for next year?

Bert Hellinger, the founder of Systemic Work & Constellations, once said, “It takes courage to live a happy life.” And the guy truly wasn’t kidding. What he didn’t say, however, is that developing that courage is worth it! But how do we start to change our thinking patterns to create a more fulfilling life?

The First Step to Change

Courageous people tend to lead happy and fulfilling lives. They also tend to treat life like an adventure … sometimes even like a business adventure! In the process, like all good business strategists, they often sit down and dream about how they would like things to be in a year’s time—or maybe two or three years down the road. 

Taking the first step toward changing thinking patterns, such as replacing negative self-talk with positive affirmations, can be transformative

Have you ever done this? Spent quality time sincerely contemplating what it is you desire to create and have in your future? If you haven’t, I cannot stress enough how important this is. 

This is not just wishful thinking. It’s about identifying and cognitively restructuring your thought process, which can shift negative feelings into a positive mindset, helping you create new thought patterns. 

With each positive statement you make, you build what you want, thought by careful thought, positive thought by positive thought, action by action.

Happy Holidays

The holidays are a particularly fertile and festive time of year to engage in practices that cultivate a positive outlook. At about this time each year, I always take time out to envision what I will be thankful for this time next year. 

By imagining a desired future and engaging with it emotionally, I’m not just thinking—I’m rewiring my brain to break out of common cognitive distortions and replace negative thinking patterns with positive ways of thinking. 

In so doing, I am not just imagining what I want. I am forward creating a future I really desire, drawing on a rich harvest of tools from systemic work, constellations, neuroscience, epigenetics, and the vast potential of human experience. 

The fun thing is, when I build “future nows” in my mind in 3D, I get more excited about my life. I am more engaged and committed to the journey. After all, imagining and going after something I really want feels a whole lot less like work and more like play. And it’s even more satisfying knowing that by doing this process—imagining my future while feeling the emotions I will feel in the future when this dream comes to fruition.

I am literally rewiring my brain for success, making the desired outcome all the more certain. As I pointed out in my last blog, when we visualize a desired future and engage with it emotionally, our brain starts to treat the dream as if it’s already happening. And then, no surprise, it happens!

Rewiring the brain

This ability to rewire our thinking patterns and behaviors allows us to cultivate resilience and positivity, both of which help us bring what we want into focus and into being.

Another thing that helps shift habits and old brain patterns is gratitude. By this time next year, you want to be grateful for the mental, emotional, and physical shifts you’ve made and the results those shifts have generated. 

Habits of gratitude, mindfulness, and positive thinking integrated into daily life yield mega results. But you have to embrace those new habits with genuine enthusiasm which can juice you up and get you over the finish line. 

Regular practices like meditation, journaling, visioning—whatever exercises you decide to do will then reshape your brain, making gratitude a natural response rather than a forced exercise.

Daily Gratitude

I remember the days when I used to internally grumble about “having to be grateful” as an effective practice to getting what I want. Now I am more inclined to feel ripped off if I haven’t had that daily dose of gratitude.

Developing a daily gratitude practice for what I have received and what I will receive in the future has truly changed my life. It has fostered a deep appreciation for the small joys of daily life, and it has made life easier when the going gets tough.

Like so many other people around the world, in the last three years my family and I have experienced some category 5 hurricane level life traumas. Through it all, we remembered the importance of gratitude. 

And yes, some days it was gratitude for simple things—like having a strong cup of coffee to help get going in the morning. Or having an operational cell phone to keep in touch with family members when it was all hitting the fan.

Another thing that helped get us through is what I and my family now call the “Puppies and Kittens Practice.” 

This particular exercise came from my daughter one day when we’d just experienced some setbacks. We were sitting at the kitchen table, facing some tough decisions, when she suddenly said: “Mom, can we just talk puppies and kittens for a while?” In other words, could we just talk about the light stuff—the fun stuff—for a while.

I mean, who doesn’t enjoy watching cat or dog videos on YouTube? “Puppies and kittens” is now a thing in our home when the going gets rough. And then there is a moment of gratitude just for experiencing the brief relief. This is how we give our brains a break and how we train ourselves to be resilient in even the worst situations.


Epigenetics teaches us that the events we experience, both positive and negative events, and our reactions to them can influence gene expression. This means that the choices we make today can impact not only our health but also the wellbeing of future generations. 

But it takes mindfulness techniques and presence in the moment to remember to pay attention to our emotions and thoughts during stressful times. Negative self-talk or unhelpful thoughts can sometimes arise, and it takes consistent effort to maintain a positive mindset instead of falling into common cognitive distortions.

I remember being overwhelmed by what was coming at me. At one point, I very much wanted to scream and run away from it all. And then, thankfully, I remembered, “Wait a minute! This is a life-shaping event. Pay attention!” 

I stopped in the hallway and said to myself: “Judy! Remember, your thoughts, feelings, decisions, and actions right now are shaping your future and your family’s future.”

Instead of staying in that panicked, reactive state, I took a few deep breaths and then mindfully chose how I wanted to feel, think, and act in that specific situation. This choice to replace negative emotions with rational thoughts and positive ways of thinking helped me actively shift my emotions and thoughts. 

And you know what? I got through it. Better than that, I got through it surprisingly easily.

Ever since then, I often remind myself of this mindfulness practice. Yes, I realize this takes time and discipline, but do you want to reactively sit in the same place, facing the same issues again this time next year? I sure don’t! 

And guess what? Remembering to practice mindfulness and shifting your thoughts and emotions in the moment is yet another thing to be grateful for! You can be grateful you remembered, grateful you used a powerful tool, and grateful you followed through and made the needed shifts.

See how this all works together? 

By prioritizing mindful thinking, feeling, and emotional well-being, you will have contributed to a healthier genetic expression. Instead of activating fear hormones that can harm mental health, you will be activating joy and fulfillment hormones, which are health generators. 

And then you get to appreciate and be thankful for the vibrant energy and resilience you’ve cultivated, which not only benefits you but also positively influences those around you, such as family members and friends you care for and love.

Embracing Human Potential

Human potential is vast, and recognizing your own potential can be transformative. It’s not about having everything now but about taking the first step to overcome negative self-talk and open up to positive ways of thinking. By shifting your thought process and creating new thought patterns, you begin to move past negative thinking patterns that limit you and instead embrace positive changes in all areas that matter to you.

Next year, I’ll celebrate the progress I’ve made in pursuing my passions and dreams. Through setting intentions, using positive affirmations, and practicing mindfulness techniques, I’ll discover new skills and interests. 

The confidence gained from leaving my comfort zone and challenging common cognitive distortions will be a source of immense gratitude. I’ll look back on a year where negative emotions and unhelpful thoughts were transformed into positive contributions to my life, enabling me to explore uncharted territories of my potential.

By this time next year, I will be thankful for the positive influences in my relationships, the positive mindset shifts, and the good things I’ve cultivated through consistent effort in my daily life. 

Each of these positive experiences will be reminders of the power of intention, the benefits of positive self-talk, and the beauty of living with courage and purpose.

These goals are what I’m dreaming of and striving toward this year. How about you?

We are either our own prison keepers or our own liberators. Let me take you on a journey into courage and truth-telling at my special Disney World event: From Fear to Freedom, November 1-4. It will be an adventure! For more information please check  click here.

How to Change the Past: Creating Future Memories

How to Change the Past

How to Change the Past: Creating Future Memories

Be Thankful for What You Are About to Receive

“Future memories” may seem like a paradox, but they refer to something profoundly powerful: the act of creating a vision of the future that is so vivid, we experience it as though it were happening right now. This is not merely daydreaming, it’s a purposeful and fruitful practice grounded in systemic work, family constellations, neuroscience, and epigenetics.

How to Change the Past

As you know, many of our present challenges often stem from unresolved issues within our family system, passed down through generations—what I call inherited Emotional DNA patterns. However, just as these inherited influences shape us, we can consciously reshape them. Epigenetics show us that our genes are not our fate but can indeed be molded to become a great destiny. By acknowledging and resolving inherited influences, we create space for new possibilities in our lives. Addressing Emotional DNA patterns not only releases us from the past—it opens us up by freeing us to imagine a future unburdened by past limitations.

Once we acknowledge old patterns and know what we want to experience instead, we can then apply the knowledge gained from neuroscience to create a whole new reality for ourselves. Because the human brain doesn’t distinguish between real events and vividly imagined ones (both can leave a strong imprint on our neural pathways, as well as influence our inherited epigenetic patterns), by passionately imagining a new future in the present moment, we break free from old patterns and create space for new potentials.

By rehearsing the experiences and things we want to have in our future, we rewire our brains, change old limiting patterns, and bring what we desire into reality. This kind of future visualization is, of course, a common practice amongst successful athletes and performers. When not physically practicing, they mentally go over their every move, seeing themselves experiencing what they wish to bring into reality—setting that world record or performing that concerto note perfect for their audience. Not only do they imagine these things, they get deeply emotionally involved with the fantasy. They feel the exhilaration of the win. They feel the pride surging through their chests as the audience rises to its feet in a standing ovation for their performance.

Because the brain is incredibly plastic with the ability to rewire itself in response to our thoughts and experiences, we thus actively set that future into motion. When we repeatedly visualize a desired future while emotionally engaging with it—feeling the experience—our brain starts to treat it as if it’s already happening. Through vivid imagination and elevated emotional connection, we effectively train our brain to experience the future now. Each time we picture and emotionally experience this future, we strengthen the neural circuits associated with it, making it feel more real and more achievable. Our brain, in turn, becomes aligned with creating that reality.

Attitude of Gratitude

When we envision a future filled with success, love, or fulfillment and engage with that vision emotionally, we send a powerful signal to our head, heart, and gut, our family systems, the Universe, and our subconscious mind that we are ready to receive those experiences. In other words, we are fully aligned.

Another thing that plays a critical role in this process is gratitude. When we give thanks for a future outcome as though it’s already occurred, we also prime our brain to believe it’s real. Gratitude reinforces positive neural pathways, helping to bring that envisioned future into clearer focus, fostering a state of focus, readiness and expectation that greatly improves the odds of those future outcomes manifesting.

Of course, gratitude also has remarkable effects on our emotional and biological well-being. Practicing gratitude lowers stress levels, improves mental health, and influence gene expression. By cultivating gratitude for our future memories that we are creating, we enhance our ability to manifest those outcomes both psychologically and biologically. Being thankful for what you are about to receive creates a field state of coherence which is critical to manifestation. By vividly experiencing the future in the present, you are laying the foundation for a reality that is both intentional and deeply aligned with your highest potential.

Steps to Creating Your Future Now

As we enter the holiday season, I highly recommend that you seriously consider what you want to change in your life. What do you want to experience? More fulfilling work? More quality relationships? More time for yourself? More money? A new home? A special vacation? As we approach the end of the year, this is the perfect time to set new dreams into motion and take action to learn how to change the past. In the next week, be sure to set aside time for yourself to:

  • Take stock of your life
  • What limiting patterns are you aware of? What’s holding you back from the life you want to live?
  • Are there family patterns involved? Are others in your family dealing with the same or similar issues?
  • Recognize that epigenetic patterns of the past do NOT determine your future. YOU are in charge of your life. No one and no thing else.
  • Thank old limiting patterns—they once had a purpose for being there in your family and in your life. Your simple desire to move on makes you the change-maker.
  • Make a list of the experiences/situations/people/material things you want to bring into your life next year.
  • Make sure you are emotionally engaged and deeply passionate about these desires/dreams.
  • Take time every day to imagine yourself being and having what you most desire. Some of the most fertile times to do this is right before sleep and just as you are waking up in the morning. Take advantage of those more meditative, receptive alpha-wave states.
  • Get passionate! Feel yourself doing, being, having your dream. Get into it!
  • Be thankful for what you are about to receive.

And remember, the holidays are a special time. The “vibe” for the next few weeks is magical. Use it. Ride the energy waves of possibility, gratitude and new beginnings!

We are either our own prison keepers or our own liberators. Let me take you on a journey into courage and truth-telling at my special Disney World event: From Fear to Freedom, November 1-4. It will be an adventure! For more information please check  click here.

How to Find the Truth with Meta Patterns

how to find the truth

How to Find the Truth with Meta Patterns

When I grew up back in South Africa, we had a really specific conversational “code.” And that code involved avoiding the topics of sex, religion, and politics. Those subjects were always a no-go zone, because so many people had so many widely varied thoughts about them. Many people held opinions that were well grounded in facts and many held opinions that were mostly based in emotions and judgement. And they all got so mixed up that the best approach eventually became to simply avoid the issues altogether. And if somebody did air their views, I was taught to simply be respectful and not argue or put anybody down for their perspective.

Because when we start discussing ‘hot” topics, arguments are sure to follow. And from there we end up putting down other people’s points of view. We start to shame and blame and we don’t listen. And in the midst of this tumultuous dynamic, we also begin to lose the truth. Because when we argue, my point of view has got to become your point of view, and vice versa. And to accomplish this, I’m going to double down on my point of view, and keep on doubling down, dragging in wild ideas and accusations in order to make my position bigger and more strident, more colorful and thus more popular than yours.

And then truth evaporates as the whole thing becomes a shouting match designed around who can yell the loudest and make the most outrageous statements of “fact.” Which is where we seem to have found ourselves in the world right now around pretty much everything.

A Dangerous Game

In systemic work, we know that certain systems just shouldn’t entangle. And yet today the systems of religion, politics, health, sexuality, immigration, education, and innumerable other hot topics get all mixed up together. We’re getting to a stage where systems are becoming so entangled that we no longer know what belongs where. We’re no longer giving everything and everyone in these varied arenas their rightful place. We’re no longer giving them a voice that can be heard.

I’m talking about this because this is a dangerous game to play with nuclear warheads and gain-of-function bioweapons ready at hand to deploy on the “loser.” I’m also talking about it because I’ve noticed lately how this whole dynamic has led to the place where much of humanity seems unable to discern truth from fiction and outright lies.

We seem to have lost the plot. Which is exactly what we can expect will happen when we’ve put ourselves into a win-lose game instead of a win-win game over various issues. It’s “Ha-ha! I win, you lose!” Never mind the only way I can win in this scenario is by not telling the truth. The lies I spin can be as big as you like, as long as they trump yours.

We haven’t yet learned that, if we wanted to, we could tackle even the thorniest political discussion if we simply gave everything and everyone their proper place in the discussion. And then respected everything and everyone involved by actually listening to what they have to say. But instead, we’re trying to drown out opposite points of view. And it’s actually killing us all because now almost no one can really hear. We’ve gotten into a space where the truth or the not-truth is so inflated that we’re starting to divide into tribes, camps, political groups around the “truth.” Only it’s super not the truth.

The Big Divide

In any big divide, we see opinions being taken as the truth. And when that happens people go blind and deaf. Right now, the whole political arena of America is filled with a few people’s opinions along with a bunch of catchy sound bites and slogans. And people are numbly, blindly, coalescing around those things. We’re not sitting down and being curious and looking deeply into the issues themselves. We’re not aware of the meta patterns of manipulation and how truth can be lost. We’re not seeing the meta patterns of blind conflict that start community arguments, civil unrest, and great big multinational wars.

Look at the Ukraine and Russia. There are two truths standing right there in front of us. But we’re not looking at and listening to the truths of each side. We’re listening to whoever blusters the loudest, shouting “This is the truth,” when it’s only one side’s truth. And then, because history is written by the victors, the one side’s truth that wins becomes the truth in the history books.

What would happen if, instead of repeating the meta pattern of playing lose-lose by not listening and dividing along tribal lines and parties, we started to really look at both sides of important issues in order to be able to negotiate a reality that works to the advantage of both sides and both truths?

Seriously, what really is the truth? What if we redefined it in terms of whatever maximizes humanity’s overall health and wellbeing instead of in terms of who is “right” and who is “wrong?” At the moment, the poor truth is buried so far underground under so many meta patterns and opinion-based shouting matches that it’s going to take a miracle for us to start separating them out.e

Who is going to begin to be the truth teller? Who is going to stand up for humanity’s wellbeing? Who is going to start telling a number of emperors that they really have no clothes on? More importantly, how are we going to land the search for truth in a way that becomes a bigger, more exciting game than the one we’re playing right now? How are we going to make the truth a game worth playing?

We are either our own prison keepers or our own liberators. Let me take you on a journey into courage and truth-telling at my special Disney World event: From Fear to Freedom, November 1-4. It will be an adventure! For more information please check  click here.

Creating Freedom to Speak – Breaking The Pattern of Silence

freedom to speak

Creating Freedom to Speak - Breaking The Pattern of Silence

There is one particularly noble and beautifully enshrined piece of American life, and that is our right to freedom of speech. Freedom to speak should be a right worldwide. We all should experience the absence of fear that permits freedom of speech. But many do not.

At the same time, I have to say that with freedom of speech we also have the responsibility for what we do with that privilege. We have to be responsible for what we say and how we say it. Sometimes it’s a bit of a fine line between telling it like it is and being too abrasive. Sometimes it’s a bit of a fine line between knowing when to keep quiet and say nothing and knowing when to speak up.

And yet, I’m sorely reminded of the fact that in World War II in Germany, many kept quiet in order to keep themselves and their families safe. But they did so at the cost of millions of other peoples’ lives. So, I guess if we’re going to err on one side or the other, we should definitely err on the side of speaking up.

History Repeating Itself

As you know, I don’t speak about incendiary topics like religion, sex and politics. And I’m not going to start now! But looking at the world situation today, with all the political correctness and factionism going on, I wonder if we’re not rapidly moving into a repetition of the same metapattern of “silence for safety’s sake” and doing the same thing now that we did less than a hundred years ago in Europe.

I wonder if a lot of people in the US aren’t speaking up for sanity, common sense and good heartedness because they don’t want to be attacked—who are not using their hard-won freedom of speech because it feels safer to be quiet or because they don’t want to cause trouble for others.

So, here’s the thing. Can we safely open our mouths and call for the deepest desires in our hearts to come into being? Things like civil discourse. Informed intelligent debate. Kindness. Can we call for one another to listen to alternate views without going on the attack? Can we have freedom of speech without blaming, shaming or naming?

Can we grow beyond the ancestral patterns of fear that keep us stuck, keeping our mouths shut about things we ought to be talking about but don’t? Can we step back and start taking a wider view of things—enough to see that we are repeating the meta patterns of World War II … the meta patterns of many wars throughout history, many of which started because people were afraid to stand up for one another, for truth and justice for all?

The transformation piece is asking how do we create a safe enough space to stand up for truth? And I’m not talking about standing up for opinions, political positions, parties, and agendas. I’m talking about basic truths: What feeds the health and wellbeing of people? What nurtures and inspires? What encourages and supports? What fosters evolution and freedom? What encourages kindness and mutual respect?

When is it that we start standing up for power in service and support of the wellbeing of the many and not just the few or even the one?

Breaking the Pattern of Silence

The first step to breaking the fear and silence pattern is to look at yourself through a systemic lens. When it comes to developing the ability to safely speak up, it’s a little bit like Alice peering through the looking glass. You want to look at yourself and your life within the context of your entire family system and your entire social system.

Who you are and your ability to speak clearly and truthfully is the result of many generations who came before you. Their thoughts, feelings, and actions have shaped who you are now and what you’re capable of doing and not doing. Once you can see the patterns that have shaped your world and your life, you have taken step one to becoming unstuck and more free.

Good questions to ask yourself:

  • When am I afraid to speak up?
  • Why?
  • What was I told about speaking up?
  • What kind of examples did my parents provide? Were they silent in the face of power? Silent in the face of abuse of self and others?
  • Does anyone else in my family have a similar pattern?
  • What is my family history? Do my ancestors come from countries where free speech isn’t allowed?
  • What does my current community/country promote in terms of free speech? Is it safe to speak up?
  • What are the costs if I don’t speak up for the good?

Be aware if you are hearing little voices of doubt telling you why you can’t speak—saying things like you’re too “stupid,” or too “ignorant,” or “too insignificant” to count. Don’t believe it. Your voice—every voice—matters!

The good news is, by doing this process of questioning, you are tapping into the nervous system of your ancestors. It’s their words and voices you are hearing. Not yours. The even better news is that once you start deliberately creating thoughts, feelings, and actions around the goal of freely speaking, the inner chatter will stop.

This is what happens when you go in search of your authentic self. Yes, it takes a little grit and determination. Yes, it takes courage and effort. But think about this: Nothing less than the wellbeing of yourself, your family, and the world is at stake.

We are either our own prison keepers or our own liberators. Let me take you on a journey into courage at my special Disney World event: From Fear to Freedom, November 1-4. It will be an adventure! For more information please check  click here.

Where Does Courage Come From?

Where Does Courage Come From?

Every single hero and heroine in the history textbooks, novels, TV shows and movies has had to face the hard choices of whether to step up and take a stand for the right thing and the greater good or turn and slink away in quiet defeat. But where does courage come from to step up and commit courageous acts instead of stepping aside?

Interestingly, the origins of the word “courage” come from the Old French word “corage,” which in turn comes from the French word “couer,” meaning heart. Once upon a time, to have courage meant to speak from one’s heart, facing the hard questions that surround every form of every virtue. And don’t you know, speaking from the heart’s wisdom is truly one of the greater challenges in the world today because society is so dedicated to the mind and intellectual pursuits! And yet, so often we find, after the dust settles, that the heart’s truth is more aligned with the right thing than the head!

Meeting Fears Head-On

In alignment with heart values, courage often rises in a person who has a deep passion or concern for another person, situation or an ideal. When love, values, and personal interests are the driving force, passion shows up. And when passion arrives, even the most intense fear can be overcome, galvanizing the most unlikely people to perform heroic acts.

For example, the vital importance of civil rights drove Rosa Parks to have the courage to resist bus segregation in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955. Mahatma Ghandi was driven by the ideal of a liberated India to face down the entire British Empire in any number of dangerous situations. The first Suffragettes in the US faced terrible abuse at the hands of the police when they marched for women’s rights and the right to vote in the early 1900s

Courage in Daily Life

But it’s not just big things like civil rights and a nation’s freedom that inspire courage. Courage often shows up in the face of disease, injury, and apparent defeat. It is sometimes the difference between embracing life and succumbing to death. Sometimes it’s everyday  situations that inspire people to act in spite of fear. Whether it’s speaking up for someone else at work despite feelings of anxiety, or stepping into a controversy where everyone’s emotional response to a situation is running hot—even such a simple act takes guts because it lies outside our everyday comfort zone.

But don’t you know, these kinds of momentary hard choices also come with great rewards. There is nothing so satisfying as that exhale of relief after taking that first step standing up for someone or something in any given situation, and you get that quick smile and nod of agreement from someone in the crowd that says “Thanks for standing up and taking a leadership role around this!”

A Matter of Choice

Courage doesn’t mean an absence of fear or anxious feelings. Just the opposite! If something isn’t outside our comfort zone no courage is required. But when your stress levels are up and you feel like you’ll have a heart attack if you do or say XYZ, and then you do or say XYZ anyway—that’s meeting your fears head-on. That’s courage.

Great success often requires great courage because success is never guaranteed in any endeavor. And the lack of a “sure thing” is often what gets in the way of many people even trying to go for their dreams. We get an idea, and then every imagined threat, every possible block, every negative association in the book shows up in our heads. And as our anxiety levels and stress levels rise, the dream looks more and more impossible.

But, here’s the thing: Courage is a choice. The choice to achieve something, say something, or have something despite the perceived threat and obstacles involved. And who is to say what will be successful and what will not?

Some of the biggest success stories of our times started out with what would seem to be fantastical—even ridiculous—dreams. For example, who would imagine a guy who plays with absurd puppets ever getting anywhere? But Jim Henson went on to create the legendary Muppets and an enormous media franchise that included long-term TV shows, movies, music and endless profitable products. And who thought somebody could build an empire just supplying people with a good cup of coffee in the morning? Howard Schultz, the man who led Starbucks into the stratosphere is who!

So, if you wish you had a little piece of that kind of magic (Hint: You actually have it!), please understand it is not that they are magical or special and you are not. It’s simply that they have learned to move forward and master the fear that holds most of us back by taking the steps that most of us don’t. So, what are those steps? I’m so glad you asked!

Steps to Building Courage in Daily Life

Courage is what changes the world, points of view, and limitations. And the world is in plenty need of positive change at the moment. Here are a few things to do and watch out for on your journey to gathering courage:

  • Witness the courageous acts of others: An easy place to start building energy of the courageous kind is by watching films that depict courageous acts. From the 1962 classic film To Kill a Mockingbird to the animé hit Princess Mononoke, from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest to Nyad (the true story of Diana Nyad who swam from Cuba to the Florida Keys at age 64), there are plenty of superb examples of human beings overcoming tremendous odds to perform courageous acts. And the beautiful thing about all these stories is they show moral courage, not just feats of physical courage. So don’t make the mistake of thinking you could never measure up. You can!
  • Choose a few things to face that scare you: I’m not talking about standing up to hair-curling monsters like Ellen Ripley in the Alien Maybe you’re afraid of dogs and want to change that. Or maybe roller coasters. Start with small things.
  • Form an action action plan to face your challenges: For example, set up safe situations that are out of your comfort zone with people you trust. In the dog example above, find a friend who has a friendly dog around the house. Tell them your intention. They’ll be glad to help with a little exposure therapy. And those roller coasters and other amusement rides? Try going to amusement parks with supportive friends. Tell them what you’re dealing with. If they (or you) have small kids, accompany the youngsters on kiddy rides to start, then work up, one small step at a time.
  • Celebrate the wins: Even if you’re shaking in your boots at the thought of climbing a ladder—get a friend to bring over a ladder and spot you in your climb. Even if you only get up two rungs, CONGRATULATE YOURSELF!
  • Don’t compare yourself to anyone else: A fear response is a fear response. Whether it relates to a free climb up a 1000′ cliff face or getting up on that step ladder makes zero difference.
  • Form more positive associations than negative blocks. Maybe you want that corner office and the title that goes with it at work, but the fear of failure has stopped you in the past. Create a list of your strengths and abilities right down to the smallest asset to help outweigh the greatest fears you have.

When I was a small child, I remember someone saying: “The world owes you nothing. You owe it everything.” And I asked myself what I could bring to the world that was uniquely mine. I realized that I was incredibly optimistic, that I didn’t get tired easily, and that I could figure things out. So those three things became what I would share with the world. If I experience anxious feelings about something I’m facing, I remind myself of my assets. That helps me see solutions not problems.

A few more things to do are:

  • Don’t be afraid to enroll family members and friends in your courage-building efforts. I guarantee you’ll be an inspiration to them.
  • Commit to your dream/goals and don’t stop.
  • Be gentle with yourself. Take things like childhood trauma into consideration. Don’t re-traumatize yourself. Commit to taking a small step every single day towards your goal. You’ll get there!

We are either our own prison keepers or our own liberators. Let me take you on a journey into courage at my special Disney World event: From Fear to Freedom, November 1-4. It will be an adventure! For more information please check  click here.

Conquering Your Fears – How to Release Fear & Create Freedom

Conquering Your Fears - How to Release Fear & Create Freedom

Fear is the opposite of freedom and success. It drives a knife into the heart of many of our deepest dreams and desires. From anxiety disorders, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, to fear of heights, fear of public speaking, fear of failure, fear of death, you name it, we all have fears in one form of another. Even hard-bitten Navy Seals experience fear. So, reasonable fear is nothing to be ashamed of. But that doesn’t mean you should stay in your comfort zone and refuse to do something about irrational fears and panic attacks if they happen to you.

Generational Legacy

What we don’t realize is that we all have the fear antidote right in our family system. Because most often the fears we experience and feel are just “ours,” really belong to the family system itself. Many of our deepest anxious feelings are tied to our history. In fact, some of our deepest unhappiness, anger, sadness, and fear comes from living our family history as though it were happening to us in the present moment.

By now you understand that what I call emotional DNA—thoughts, emotions, actions, choices—experienced by family members facing dangerous situations and scary experiences in the past get passed down to future generations. Experiences like famine and economic collapse may have been responded to by your ancestors with practical choices such as overeating when food was available, saving string, and penny pinching. But three generations later those practical solutions to emergency situations have turned into obesity, hoarding, and terror around spending money—toxic behaviors and dysfunctional ways that no longer serve.

Irrational fear is always disproportionate to the situation at hand and may well indicate that something is going on in your family system that has not been resolved. For example, let’s say your whole family freaks out during the holidays. In fact, every time there is a reason for the family to celebrate, people become anxious.

It sounds strange that this should happen in what is usually the happiest of social situations. And then you discover that great-grandmother dropped dead Christmas day. From then on celebrating never felt quite right. In fact, many in the family experienced fear of death at holidays. Now it’s obvious why celebrations are filled with imagined threats and are something to be avoided.

Dangerous Situations In Daily Life

Sometimes feelings of fear, anxiety disorders and full-blown panic attacks aren’t inherited but rather they start with us. Many of us have been raised to believe that we are incapable and broken, that we have done something wrong and need to fix it. We thus live in the grip of fear. Some of us come from homes in which a healthy fear response enabled us to survive (and run away from) abuse.

However, instead of the fear stopping once the abuse is a thing of the past, ongoing symptoms of anxiety and fear travel with us. The thoughts, language, and actions we created around those events are still loud and prevalent, as though the situation was happening present time. And these fear patterns can last for generations. So, how about stopping those anxious feelings in their tracks instead of passing them on?

Meeting Fears Head On

Dealing with fear is a matter of choice. On a scale of 1-10, how dominant are your symptoms of anxiety and how much do they affect your life? Hopefully, it has you at a point where you are sick and tired of being sick and tired and feel thoroughly stuck. Because getting that bad is just about the only way 90 percent of humanity finally dare to climb out of the box of imagined threat and limitation!

There are a lot of helpful tools mental healthcare professionals use to deal with feelings of anxiety, feelings of fear, and perceived threat, such as exposure therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. These therapies can help us handle issues related to certain social situations like fear of public speaking and irrational feelings of anxiety in daily life. However, genuine long-term healing can only happen when we address the roots of our fears. If we don’t do this, we may find symptoms of fear resurfacing in either our lives or the lives of our children.

Action Plan

The journey to change and healing begins with a willingness to look at the problem. But most people are too afraid to look at their fear. We dodge the subject or push it under the rug. Which only serves to heighten our fears because now we have monsters under the carpet!

So, take a deep breath, and tell yourself to approach change in small doses and then simply take the first step. Which is: Tell your nervous system that the traumatic event was over a long time ago. The war is over. The fire is out. The dog that bit you died decades ago. The teacher who ridiculed your class speech is long retired.

Step two, keep telling yourself the event is over and that you are totally safe until your body can relax. (Pro Tip: See if you can evoke an elevated emotion like peace, joy, and gratitude in order to shift the fear by imagining a pleasurable experience to replace the trauma event. This may take a while, but keep practicing.)

Step three. This may seem counterintuitive, but bear with me. Even if it seems like a totally irrational fear, acknowledge your fear exactly the way that it is. While that may seem out of your comfort zone, it’s a pivotal part of conquering your fear. Until you’ve acknowledged it, you can’t move it.

Step four. Once you have acknowledged your fear, the next small step is to ask yourself a simple set of questions:

  • When did these fearful feelings begin for me?
  • What was happening in my life at the time?
  • Are these anxious feelings interfering with social situations in my daily life?
  • What would my life be like in the absence of these fears?
  • What joyful replacement(s) would I like to see?

Can you see what a quick journey you can make from intense fear around an imagined threat to positive associations that, at the very least, decrease your symptoms of anxiety? When you do this exercise, notice how your feelings shift. And then realize this: You are the one who did that!

As silly as it seems—unless you’re in truly dangerous situations where fear is your ally keeping you safe from genuine harm—fear really is a matter of choice. And choice governs physical sensations and stress cycles. When we work at understanding the difference between inherited irrational fear and perceived threat versus genuine danger, we begin to reduce our stress levels caused by overly emotional responses until we stop irrational fear altogether.

Driving Force For Change

The fear antidote begins with the realization that the initial trauma happened a long time ago—perhaps more than a hundred years ago! Now is the time to focus on creating new healthy emotional patterns and new traditions that bring back the joy. And sometimes the driving force for genuine change isn’t to save ourselves the pain and suffering that anxiety problems create, but rather the desire to stop our anxiety disorders from being passed on to our children, leaving it for them to deal with and heal.

And here’s one more thought to consider. When we conquer and change something, it always means that something else better will come into our lives to take its place. Once you look fear in the face and then turn around to look at what you really want to experience instead, you replace fear with a sense of adventure.

Congratulations! Just like those Navy Seals, you too can overcome fear and become remarkable!

For information about my November 2024 event “Vault from Fear to Freedom,” please check  click here.