Resilience DNA

judy wilkins-smith

Resilience DNA

Any of you who have been through a tough time and finally emerged intact and standing have increased your resilience. Unfortunately, we often don’t stop to recognize and acknowledge our victories when they occur. We gloss over our increased resilience and ability to deal with difficult situations, robbing ourselves of a potent skillset.

When everything is falling apart, resilience is the quiet little voice (or maybe the not so quiet voice) that says “Yes, you can.” It’s the voice that says “Stand up and get back on track.” after you’ve fallen away from the path you desire to follow. The voice that whispers “You can do this” as you’re quaking in fear, waiting to start that very public presentation.

Resilience is your unique voice that anchors you into your purpose, ultimately telling you who you are. If you haven’t consciously acknowledged your growing resilience in the face of difficulty, this lack of self-approval and awareness may be rooted in your Emotional DNA—patterns of thoughts, emotions and actions that you have inherited from your ancestors. If instead of an encouraging voice you have an inner voice that says “You’ll never do it. You’ll never be good enough.” this inflexible negativity (which is the polar opposite of resilience) too, may be rooted in your Emotional DNA.

Let’s say your parents or grandparents made it out of Vietnam or communist Cuba, came to the US without a penny, set to work with a will and made their fortune. It’s highly likely you were raised with an incredible sense of resilience and have an inner voice that positively urges you to strive for more. “You can do it! You can do anything if you set your mind to it and are willing to work hard. Nothing can keep you down!” Notice how you are anchored in the present and future? That’s resilience.

If you come from a family that lost a lot of money or failed at various business ventures or has been plagued with a series of misfortunes, the voice you may have inherited might come from a place of hopelessness. “Why bother trying? Things won’t work out anyhow.” That’s usually limiting ancient history pretending to be your truth right now.

If you have a positive encouraging inner voice and your resiliency is high, maximize it! But if you don’t, it’s not a disaster. It’s a portal to possibility. You can coach that inner voice into becoming a positive support partner by 1) recognizing the negative input; 2) accepting that it is what it is and that you inherited this voice from one (or many) of your predecessors (it’s not you!); and 3) realizing you can change this voice by replacing negative heart and body-felt statements with positive heart and body-felt statements that you can accept as true. For example, “Why bother trying? Things won’t work out anyhow.” can be shifted to: “Take a deep breath. I can figure this out. Here’s one thing I can do, one thing I can think and/or feel right now and take it one small step at a time.”

When the first small step pays off, even the tiniest of changes, celebrate yourself! Do the same thing with the next step and the next. And feel it. Before you know it you will have successfully coached your inner voice and rewired your brain and become your own best advocate for positive change. Now that is what resilience is all about.

The pandemic flattened a lot of people. But there were also so many who pivoted and bounced back, creating new careers and new directions for themselves and their families and their businesses. They chose to elevate their thoughts, feelings and actions to move from overwhelm and self-doubt to determination and self-confidence. If you are one of those people, take a moment and honor your accomplishment. It’s so important to consciously wire that into your brain so you can draw upon it when you need it.

If you still feel flattened and even traumatized by the whole experience, if you find you have fearful, limiting voices around future possibilities and find yourself stuck in survival mode, sit down and mindfully map out one new thought, one new feeling and one new action you can take. Be determined to practice those three things. Be relentless and take your foot off the brake. Put down the “yes-buts” and know that you can change this. You can build resilience by taking control of  the voice within. Understanding that you can shift your situation this way  equips you with a skillset that will only keep you moving forward.

Join me on an adventure to build capability and resilience at our Disney World event at The Beach and Yacht Club November 10-13. Come find and wire in your own unique Resilience DNA. 

Capability DNA

money dna

Capability DNA

In my book, Decoding Your Emotional Blueprint, I talk about how you inherit patterns of thoughts, feelings, and actions.  I call this your Emotional DNA.  Sometimes your Emotional DNA —those unseen patterns from the past—keeps you stuck. Sometimes you create your own Emotional DNA. When you do, sometimes the patterns you create are limiting. Sometimes they are liberating. It really helps us grow when we can recognize all of the above patterns when they show up in our lives.  

For example, during the pandemic most of us had no option but to learn new skills and adapt in ways we never imagined. And yet we probably didn’t recognize that we were developing new capabilities.  We simply plodded on, failing to recognize that in many ways we were creating new Emotional DNA. We also failed to recognize when we were simply repeating the Emotional DNA of our ancestors.

During the 2020 lockdowns, how many of you found yourselves in fear and feeling lost and overwhelmed? This reaction is a significant repetition of how your parents, grandparents and great-grandparents undoubtedly felt during the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1912, the Great Depression and World War II.  Upon reflection, what habits did you adopt to survive that were similar to your ancestors?  Hypervigilance? Healthy and unhealthy methods of self-distraction? Hoarding (toilet paper when you could find it!). Anxiety about food supply or an inability to pay the bills.  Do any of these patterns sound familiar?

Did you perhaps surprise yourself by rising to the occasion?  Did you learn new technology skills?  Did you discover the self-starter in you?  An ability to healthily entertain yourself? To home school your children? Did you develop a side hustle to bring in more cash or start a new career entirely? What else did you do and learn? Often during a crisis, we unwittingly develop new Capability DNA. And if you did so during the Covid crisis, then pat yourself on the back. Honor your accomplishment.

One of the old Emotional DNA patterns we all have inherited from our ancestors and society is a kind of false humbleness where we fail to recognize and acknowledge our hard-won breakthroughs.  We are often told to be humble, and we think this means we have to hide our gifts, talents, and yes, our capability. I urge you: Please don’t do that!

Recognize that this false humbleness is just an old DNA pattern. Create a new emotional pattern to replace it—a pattern of self-recognition and well-deserved pride in your growing resilience and capacity to handle any situation as it arises. Once you can identify and acknowledge your capability DNA, the winner in you begins to emerge consciously. 

The simple act of one new thought, one new feeling, one new action begins to rewire your inner sense of capability.  At that very moment you are co-creating the future instead of repeating the past.  All thanks to a pandemic and a need to adapt.

Right now is a very special time for humanity.  We have been awakened to different possibilities and you have an amazing opportunity to consciously go in search of and rewire your own Capability DNA.

Join us on a journey to the center of you. At our Disney World event at The Beach and Yacht Club, participants will delve into the Capability DNA of their ancestors and in turn unleash their own unique Capability DNA. 

Being Thankful For Those Who Came Before Us

Being Thankful For Those Who Came Before Us

Check out our new event scheduleEmotional DNA is now available online in October. Join our Emotional DNA and Money DNA events as a package.

Being Thankful for Those Who Came Before Us

All too often leaders sweep into power and overturn everything that happened before them.  While that might look bold and knowledgeable, their chances of bumping into patterns from the past are high.  Simply rejecting out of hand what came before us is never wise.  We throw away the gems along with what wasn’t working.  In other words, we lose valuable insights and stand a strong chance of falling into the same potholes.  We also make those around us wrong if they were aligned with the previous leader, leaving them restless and concerned.

However, when we can be thankful for the ones who came before and give them their rightful place, then associates know that all is respected – both the old and the new.  The system settles and is more inclined to support a new leader. 

At our Leadership and Organizational DNA events, we explore how all parts of an organization belong and serve.  Join us!